The Science Behind Our Products And Why It Is Important

PathoSans solutions are different. Most conventional cleaners and disinfectants contain many ingredients that are toxic or irritating to people, pets and the planet. Not us. With PathoSans solutions, you can clean and disinfect daily with confidence.


  • Can safely be used without gloves
  • Are better for the environment and drain safe
  • Flexible & safe enough to use virtually anywhere in your home
  • Do not leave streaks or harsh chemical residue

PathoPure excels at removing dirt…period. Its active ingredient, sodium hydroxide, is a very common alkaline cleaner that breaks down organic soils. What sets PathoPure apart is a slight electrical charge that attracts dirt making it easy to wipe away. Our patented electrochemical activation process enables our product to be exceptionally effective in extremely small concentrations.

You can find more details on the science of PathoSans solutions below. But, if you’re like most customers, you’re most interested in what’s in the solutions, what’s not in the solutions and why they’re suitable for daily cleaning and disinfecting.

two smiling children washing fruit at a small sink


Both Solutions Contain:

Softened Water and very small amounts of an active ingredient.

Our All-Purpose and Foaming Kitchen & Bath’s natural clean active ingredient is sodium hydroxide, one of the most common ingredients in detergents and soaps.

You can review the labels here.


Conventional chemicals are often toxic and can endanger human health – both for the people using the chemicals and those who are exposed to chemical residue or lingering fragrances. They generally contain high levels of active ingredients to ensure effectiveness even when stored for long periods of time. PathoSans solutions are a safer alternative to conventional chemical cleaners.

Our solutions DO NOT contain any of the following:

Additives, Alcohol, Ammonia, Buffers, Butoxyethanol, Chelating agents, Colorants, Hydrogen peroxide, Nonylphenol ethoxylates, Perfumes, Peroxide bleach, Phosphates


Commonly referred to as electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS), PathoSans solutions are produced using patented technology to ensure highly effective cleaning and disinfection without being irritating to eyes, skin and nose. PathoPure sodium hydroxide cleaner/degreaser is produced by the electrolysis of salt and water. The solution offers both high-performance and a gentle way to clean and disinfect. ECA solutions are different. Made from salt, water and electricity, they can clean and disinfect effectively with low levels of the active ingredients.

ECAS and How They Are Made

Electrochemical activation (ECA) processes go by many names: electrolyzed water, electro-activated water, electrolyzed oxidizing water and electro-chemically activated solutions. Here’s a simple breakdown of what the process looks like:

The Result? PathoSans Solutions!

Our All-Purpose and Foaming Kitchen & Bath cleaners are alkaline solutions that both clean and degrease surfaces.

PathoSans reusable spray bottle with cleaner concentrate