Cleaning & Disinfecting

Unveiling the Power of Natural Cleaners: The Ultimate Guide to Effective and Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Keeping our living spaces clean is important for the health and well-being of our family and pets, but it’s equally crucial to consider the environmental impact of our cleaning practices. By adopting eco-friendly cleaning methods, we effectively maintain cleanliness while minimizing harm to the planet. From the cleaning products we use to how we dispose of empty containers and packaging, there are many ways to fine-tune our methods to be as eco-friendly as possible. This ultimate guide will provide you with practical tips and strategies for effective and eco-friendly cleaning that is safe for the whole family.

1) Choose eco-friendly cleaning products 

Choosing cleaning products that are actually eco-friendly should be easy. Unfortunately, due to greenwashing, this can be harder than it should be. The term ‘greenwashing’ refers to deceptive marketing or advertising practices used by companies to make their products or services appear more eco-friendly or sustainable than they actually are. It involves making exaggerated or false claims about the environmental benefits of a product, often with the intention of capitalizing on the growing consumer demand for environmentally-friendly options.

You can trust Pathosans’ products like Pathopure All-Natural Cleaner to have no toxic additives or fragrances. This means that it’s safe to use without gloves or PPE, and around kids and pets. Pathopure is a natural cleaning product that is Green Seal Approved, Woolsafe Approved, and certified Kosher. No tricky marketing or exaggerations here! Just one of the best natural cleaning products available.

2) Choose a versatile eco-friendly cleaner for multiple surfaces

Using a non-toxic cleaning product that cleans many surfaces is an eco-friendly choice, simply by reducing the number of products you’re buying. The first step in the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” environmentally-conscious effort: Reduce. Not only does reducing the number of products you use simplify your cleaning routine, but it also saves time spent laboring over labels to identify additional cleaning products that may not meet your standards. PathoPure Cleaner can be used on over a dozen surfaces: 

  • Plastic
  • Wood
  • Granite/marble
  • Ceramic, porcelain
  • Recycled materials
  • Glass
  • Chrome/coated metal, stainless steel
  • Carpet, tile, wood, and concrete flooring
  • Linens, textiles, upholstery 

3) Know what is (and is not) in your eco-friendly cleaning products 

A major factor in selecting the non-toxic cleaner that best fits your needs is what is and is not in the cleaning product. A long list of ingredients can often be a signal that the product, even if it claims to be environmentally friendly, may contain elements that you want to avoid. So, what exactly is PathoPure Cleaner made of? Or, maybe equally important: what is PathoPure not made of? For many consumers, what is not in a product is often just as important as what is in the product. So we’ll begin with what our solutions do NOT contain:

  • Additives
  • Alcohol
  • Ammonia
  • Buffers
  • Butoxyethanol
  • Chelating agents
  • Colorants
  • Foaming agents
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Nonylphenol ethoxylates
  • Perfumes
  • Peroxide bleach
  • Phosphates
  • Surfactants
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Many popular conventional cleaners and disinfectants contain these ingredients that are toxic or irritating to people and pets and of course the planet. PathoSans solutions are different. They can be used without gloves. Drain and disposal friendly, they’re easy to use. They do not leave grit, soap scum, or harsh chemical residue behind. 

Now, for what IS in PathoSans solution. PathoSans products use sodium hydroxide cleaner/degreaser, which is produced by the electrolysis of salt and water. They are commonly referred to as electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS), and PathoSans solutions are created using patented technology to ensure highly effective cleaning and disinfection without irritation to eyes, skin, and noses. The solutions offer both high performance and a gentle way to clean and disinfect. You can find more details on electrolysis on our science resource page. Pathopure contains softened water and small amounts of the active ingredient, and you can review the labels here

4) Reduce paper waste for more eco-friendly cleaning 

Once you choose your natural cleaner, the next step is to evaluate the products you use to actually apply the cleaner. Paper towels and disposable wipes contribute to landfill waste and can be made of materials like rayon or polyester that do not biodegrade well. What’s the point in using a somewhat natural cleaning company’s wipes if the wipes will still be in a landfill in a decade or longer? For a better option, choose reusable alternatives like washable cloths or bamboo towels. If you must use paper products, choose recycled and unbleached options whenever possible. 

5) Practice proper waste disposal as part of eco-friendly cleaning

Of course, to continue to ensure that your cleaning products and routine are as earth-friendly as possible, the next consideration is the responsible disposal of cleaning waste. One easy way to reduce the cleaning waste that you generate is to buy Pathopure Cleaner in bulk and refill your spray bottles. By reusing the spray bottle, you’re keeping one out of the landfill with every refill. A few more guidelines include:

  • Recycle packaging whenever possible. Always check with your local municipality as guidelines change from city to city.
  • Use eco-friendly garbage bags that decompose naturally.
  • Research local recycling and hazardous waste disposal facilities for specific cleaning products that require special handling.

6) Commit to regular eco-friendly cleaning maintenance

Another important element to keep your home clean effectively is regular maintenance cleaning. This may seem obvious, but regular cleaning and maintenance of your living spaces prevent the buildup of dirt and grime, reducing the need for heavy-duty cleaning. Simple tasks like dusting regularly and wiping up spills promptly go a long way. When dirt and grime build up, it is easy to slip back into using mainstream cleaners that we think will pack a better punch. Stay ahead of that dilemma with regular cleaning using products that you can trust and use frequently without increasing hazardous chemical exposure to you, your family, or the environment. 

By incorporating these eco-friendly cleaning practices and products into your routine, you will maintain cleanliness while minimizing harm to the environment. Choose versatile, natural cleaning products, use reusable cloths, reduce paper waste, and dispose of waste responsibly. Let’s keep our homes clean and even more important, safe for our kids and pets while we do it!